Why Balancing Act is the best budgeting solution for Public Officials
In an age of rising expectations from residents about government transparency and an increasing desire to have their voices heard, Balancing Act provides an opportunity to educate and engage your residents. Balancing Act is an essential tool for governments who are looking to innovatively seek excellence in governance. Conversations about the budget—whether in a time of dwindling resources or surplus—are often contentious. Balancing Act is a platform that allows everyone to have a say.
How Balancing Act Simulation Helps
- Share the most important information; not just a data dump
- Provide layers of context, allowing users to get more information as needed
- Let residents see the information you use to make budget decisions
- Connect budget with service levels and policy options
- Show residents what their taxes buy
- Demonstrate value provided by government
- Build trust, this year and into the future
- Build a two-way relationship with residents based on facts
- Get informed input on service levels and priorities
- Go beyond simplistic surveys to get true willingness to pay or cut information
- Build public understanding to give you flexibility and options in a downturn
- Put users in your shoes, including taking into account demand for services, legal and financial constraints
Advanced Custom Features of Balancing Act
Scenario Questions--show the financial impacts of complex policy options or service level changes
Meeting Mode turns simulation into a face-to-face facilitation tool
Create custom demographic questions
Fine-tune questions so that residents understand constraints
Advanced reports and visualizations
Enhanced branding to match your website